Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Hi guys. I know its been like ages since I made my last post. My schedule has been so stiff-necked that I can not even make any preferential not to talk of sentimental adjustments. I sincerely apologize for that. So since its the last day of the year (31st December, 2013) in my country as at the time of writing this, I figured its best I crown my blogging milestone for the year with a piece of suggestions and advices.

Now, some people might wonder why I don't focus on a single subject line of blogging instead of writing 'hazardously' as a critic friend of mine would call it. Well, the truth of the matter is, I am flexible and unstable when it comes to intellectual contents. I just love what interests me and what works. So it doesn't matter what subject line it belongs, I will write about it if I have concrete facts.

Now to the reason for this piece. I got this memo from my professor in my online learning class. He was talking about 'new year resolutions' and all that. So I figured let me make a post and see how it will affect my online community.


So the year 2013 is coming to an end and you’re already thinking about all your New Year’s Resolutions and what you want to achieve in 2014. You want to quit smoking, lose weight and stay fit and trendy, or do that degree programme you have so long had in mind. But after the initial motivational morale of the first 2-3 weeks in January wears off, you start bailing on yourself and the day-to-day struggle with discipline kicks in. In February, you are back to normal, eating a big fat bugger sandwich with an alarming calorie rate on the subway, drinking  that fully sugar-made juice or soda fluid, and you “simply don’t have the time” for studying. Hmm!... the real you has just resumed from where you stopped.

              If you want your 2014 to be more successful than 2013, read on and share this with your friends!

There are 7 key steps, or you could call it guides, to follow if you really want to record success in your years ahead. They are in this particular other:


Having a look back over the past year is the first step to making 2014 a success. Take out a piece of paper and write down what you achieved and what wasn’t so good about 2013. By doing that, you not only get a feeling of achievement, but you will also have a clear blueprint for judging how well 2014 went when the year ends.


After analyzing the previous year, it’s time to decide what you want to improve in 2014. Be sure not to burden yourself with too many ambitious goals. The common saying that "jack of all trade, master of none" is truly operational in the lives of any who seek to achieve everything at once. Hardly Possible! So, It is more likely that you will achieve your goals if you concentrate on 2-3 goals, rather than wanting to change everything about you at once.

Be specific

Get specific! To say you “want to work out more” or “learn a language” doesn’t cut it. You need to be specific. For example, try saying you will “work out 3 times a week and lose 5 kilos by February 15.” Or I will read a language text 15minutes everyday. See wether you won't make any headways.


Writing down what you want to achieve is only half the battle. Now you actually need to follow through. Start by taking small steps to get you warmed up. Instead of thinking you will never understand how to communicate in German language, start by taking the first unit of the course. That's a milestone on its own.

Keep Track

After an initial motivational high or morale you will notice your drive deplete. To keep you in the game,
track your achievements. You can either write it on a piece of paper or use a digital app (i.e. Evernote, Lift or Chains) on your computer or smartphone. Most of us are at least bestowed with one, if not several of these gadgets nowadays. By keeping track of your achievements, you will see that even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are actually making progress!

Do Not Quit

If it happens that you slip and leave out a planned routine, maybe a workout session, don’t quit! It’s not over yet and it is perfectly normal to feel like you need to bail from time to time. The only thing that counts is that you get back at it. So dust yourself off and get back on the horse, because as they say, “Quitters never win and winners never quit”!

Share with Friends

To get some leverage, tell your friends about your plans! Even better, ask them to follow your example and write down their goals for 2014. Then you can support each other in the hard times (and knowing fully well that there will certainly be a few!) and celebrate the successes! Just forward this post.

I am 100% sure that you won’t fail if you follow the guide to achieving your goals in 2014 and even the subsequent years ahead! And if you want educate yourself in 2014, take a look into short term diploma courses online (Alison.com) or a university-like education (follow this links Story Telling- https://iversity.org/c/6?r=b143a, Designs- https://iversity.org/c/2?r=b143a,  Monte Carlo Finance Methods- https://iversity.org/c/3?r=b143a, The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry https://iversity.org/c/4?r=b143a, Public Privacy: Cyber Security and Human Rights- https://iversity.org/c/28?r=b143a, and a host of so many other exciting courses) which is totally free and well recognized and with standard certifications, like I have done. That way, at least you’ll finish off the year a bit smarter, and intellectually better than you were last year. Its not like you can't do anything better than that.

Please tell me what you think by dropping your comments.


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