Monday 22 December 2014

The thought of horror looms around the room, his understanding of every sound was important for fear to be tamed. Such a tranquil state is always believed to be demonic and beasty, most especially when they come in the coldness of the night.

Thoughts as gloomy as the nights besieged his faculties, nothing else seemed relevant to accommodate in his members than the rush to pull away from the imminent grip of dread. Even at that moment, his eyes where no longer fading him, they became as shinny as those of the watch-guards in the barracks. His teeth quacked like they were being sort after to be unearthed. His heart raced like blood was the trophy for winning, which in his case was a mind game.

His panting compounded as early risers in the barracks began their almost noiseless monkey businesses; that was not a good time for principle, he thought. At least every other day was allowed for routines, but not today; not the day he needed freedom from these hideous imaginations. Their neighbour, Mama Musa, who was always noisy every time she wakes up for her early morning chores, was unsualy quiet this dark hour. Or has she also being held hostage by this same evil thought of horror.

"What is going on", he thought? 

Why is everyone not helping him get out of these bad thoughts that has entangled his moment of peace.

When it seemed like he was about to muscle up his guts, the dreaded mystery lady kids always called "Miss Koi-Koi" was now playing her own part of the game. Her's was tormenting. Lady koi-koi was popularly known for her lacadisic movements in the corridors of blocks and lines in the barrack. She was imagined to walk stylishly like a fashion-celebrity, with steady feet on high-healed Prada pairs and bloody eyes and lips. It was not like anyone has ever seen her, but her fame was well circulated, more like a 10-time Grammy norminee. Even mothers in the hood feared going out to heed to nature's call, most especially when there was a recent event of this mystery lass visiting some unknown neighbour the other nights.

The night stayed fresher and younger, never grew old; it seemed like a spell was casted over it to relive its time and grow younger like James Button; the kind that turns jiffies to minutes, and hours to days. His realisation of who patted him on his back was still a reality he consciously tried to throw aside. The last time he had such a scare was when he was just a little barrack boy; 5 years and 2 days precisely. His heart quivered at the sound of an escaping mice, helplessly looking for cover after haven bitten off a piece from an uncooked animal tendor. He screamed and jumped at the same time hoping both moves would create a shock zone around him and scare the little creature away, as if the mice even listened. The report would always be that the mice was feared dead after carrying out the same act in the neighbours kitchen, and the locals in Nigeria would say

"so this yeye rat don die finally, Na him dey chop our food finish. Make una kill am. Nonesense." 

Such a ridiculous lie to cover up for the grisly old barrack culture of food and wastes. If only rats could eat that much, who would have the guts to live with them.

His brother's pat on his back released him from the scary illusion he was having all night; which of course was still what started his panic all along.

"Look at this boy ooo. So you are still awake. Do you even know what time it is?" His nerves and fluids began resting from the mansory they engaged in.

"Are you crazy, why do you have to touch me like that... You almost gave me a heart attack."

The wild laugh that ensued from his brother was not one that can be expected at such hour of the day, at least not when everyone was trying to catch some sleep.

"Something is definitely wrong with you.. Look at you, at this tiny age of yours, you are talking about a heart attack. Hmm.. You better wake up from your slumber and get ready to pack your sales for the day." His brother's words were with humour and seriousness at the same time, but he wasn't finding it funny.

"Sales? Its barely..." on looking at the old table clock that was kept on top of the monochrome TV rather than on the table- because there was known actually, he screamed in a conscious way to complete his statement "... 4:45am. Oh my god!"

His mother who keeps to her own end of the timing, wakes up as always and directed her merchants to where their merchandises are. Its time to head for the road for the days sales, yes it happens that early and as always.

"Please mama, let me sleep a little, I will be up before you know it..." Immediately he closed his eyes, he woke up in the real world when the time was 15 minutes to evil.; it was all a dream.

Now, he's awake, still staring at the torn mosquito net, gazing into the nights and hoping for the strangeness of all works of nature. He still battled with time because and his mother still knew he kept late. Now, he heard a breezy voice from behind,

"Oh god, not again."

Monday 1 December 2014

How to Create Conditional Menu For Logged In/Logged Out Users in Wordpress


I spend most of my time these days in the development of web contents and applications, mostly using Content Management Systems (CMS) and MVC frameworks like the popular Wordpress, Joomla! and Drupal. How I have come to learn and improve so much in these frameworks, still strikes me as amazing. But let us go straight to the point why you have come to read this post.

You probably may have wondered how certain dynamic web features like; profile pages and login restrictions are created. Like in our case, you click the login link and after successful login, the link changes to "Logout" and another link showing "My Account", "My Profile", "My Dashboard" or something of that nature shows up. Interestingly, these tricks are done using certain coding techniques in php, javascript and sometimes CSS. Even though these technologies are needed to do the magic, I am assuring you we are not going into any of those in this article, so be calm!


In a simple term, what this means is that you want to create a menu item (either at the top, main, side or footer) on your WordPress site or application that will show certain links for users who are logged in as authorized users or logged out as guest. For instance, if a user is not logged in (i.e. a guest) he/she sees the "Login" or "Register" link at certain locations on the site, and if he/she is logged in, he sees the "Logout" and/or "My Profile" link as the case may be. I guess that was the simplest way I could explain it. For those who still don't understand my simplicity, look at the screenshots below to grasp the concept better.

Screenshot showing a Top Menu bar with Menu links "Login" and "Register" for Non-Logged in Users.

                Screenshot showing a Top Menu bar with Menu links "My Dashboard" and "Logout" for Logged in Users.


Based on what we have said so far about conditional menus, I believe the screenshots above are self-explanatory, so I will just go into the business of the day.

Now, how to go about doing this sort of trick is very straight forward. So I will just get down to the business of the moment.

There are two options to go around this trick;

1. The Hard Way- Hard coding the hooks and filters in your wordpress function.php file. (Please ensure to use a Child Theme here if you know what you are doing.) The advantage here is that you customize the functionality of the add-on to do what you desire. But the turn-off here is that its painstaking to start coding a function from the beginning. And this is the part I decided to do without in this article, so i am not writing any hooks for this.

2. The Easy Way: Right here, you simply use pre-coded tiny programs called 'plugins' to extend the functionality of the WordPress framework; in our case, the Conditional User Menu. This is the part of WordPress I cherish so much- the expandability of its core functions using plugins. I can categorically tell you that there are extensions in WordPress for virtually anything you may want to do- just have a name for your assumed function, that's all you need. The downside to this approach is that it can cause compatibility issues with other plugins in the application's directory for plugins, and it may not fully serve your need. But aside from that, what the heck! It still remains the easiest and fastest means to do what you desire to do in WordPress. Just think it, and a plugin or more exist for it.

For our Case, we will be using the "Easy Way Out" approach. We will use a plugin or two to create the coditional user menu. Both plugin functions are about the same useage and setups, but I would rather you make your choice based on application importance to your system.


Just Download this plugin from the wordpress repository and upload via ftp. I believe that should not be a problem because am not covering how to do that here. Or, you can search for the plugin right in your wordpress Admin backend and install directly. This method of plugin installations turns out to be quite nice and results to the easiest methods I would go for.
  1. Go to the left-pane and hover your mouse on the 'Appearance' then click on 'Menu'. 
  2. Choose which menu to have the coditional items on (in our case, a nice looking menu at the top which I coloured red.) Please note that you may not have the same menu bar as mine, so you choose where else the conditional links will stay- at your main menu, the footer menu, the side or you simply create a menu yourself. That's the beauty of WordPress.

This is another great add-on for our job. It works just like the privileged menu, both has a rather easy markup. You can extend the functionality of this plugin and any other as well to suit your creative needs. Kapish?

I know I said I would go into details on how to use this plugins, but please bear with me now. I have some good cash jobs to do. 

I hope this post helps you in your quest, as I was once a searcher like you earnestly looking for every means to solve WordPress problems.

Happy solving problem!

Friday 19 September 2014


Sometimes he would wonder if there will ever be a time when the cold hands of destitution employed by the huge pangs of distress would slide away. Moments after moments, interesting fantasies about big bungalows constructed by the Japanese, one of those cars driven by foreigners in the movies and a woman with a face to hope for, would surface and be the factor responsible for the only smile he might have for the entire day.

He would wake up quite early with the mornings, hoping to smell the air that his father would always tell him is the "real breath of life." So much heat and stickiness clanged around the room. Sweat dripping from his chest, even after bathing twice before going to sleep that night. It wouldn't change anything if life does not give everyone a chance to create something, after all, those who had so much affluence may need a lot more diligence and consistency to maintain the change they create. He imagined electricity as an affluent side to life, a burden to bear if it was always continuous. "Such an ambiguous standard it will be to exist with constant electricity", he imagined. He would sit close to the window gazing into through the torn mosquito net, hoping to smell the "real breath of life" and at the same time expecting to see a night flee perching their tiny self on the old dusty hollow net. In the deep gloominess of the young morning, still from the same hole, his eyes peered horribly at the darkness, but sure to say, he saw very nothing coming out from it. He would rub his sleepy eyes with his hand and keep them opened against his resolute neglect of slumber; something his mother has always worried about every moment she beholds his eye bag, "see your eyes, you didn't sleep again today abi. Ah! This boy, you will not kill me o." Even when she complains, and his eyes are conspicuously showing the resultant bags from his sleeplessness, he would still cover for his lack and tease his mother "mama that is how my eyes are. Or have you forgotten that I took after your beautiful eyes?" His mother would chuckle mildly at his silly joke and prepare the merchandise for his venture for that day. Yes, he hawked stuffs for a living!

Now, before all of that, he would rub his eyes again and again until they began to bleed tears- not emotional though. “Let me wash my face, that would help”, he exclaimed. The kitchen was not in the same room they slept in, so he knew that if he wanted to go there, he had to raise his legs a little higher than normal to prevent using his siblings' heads as football when moving; even though football remains his best sport. But he needed no victory or bestowment at that moment, so he moved with great care. He would have to open the noisy door that has been like that for several months. Earlier in the day, the woodsman asked for 3,500 naira man-hour. "Ah, it’s too much oo", his father's lamented. He wasn't worried about the noisy portal so he walked right through it and along a narrow passage ducking when necessary to avoid close lines. Most times he forgets these lines, so his neck bears a soft stigma to that effect. Until he gets to the zinced door that tells him where the kitchen is, he would not stop touching the closed walls that aided is movement along the way. When he finds the kitchen entrance, his hand would reach for the light switch, 'kpam kpam kpam kpam', as the switch goes. "Ah! No light?" The perplexing look on his face was phony, as if to say he wasn't coming from the room where darkness blossomed. Most times he would look at white skinned people on their monochrome television and imagined if coming from a different world where electricity wasn't a big deal is actually real. He only sees white people as white because they come out white on the black and white TV, whether they are coloured or not doesn’t make any difference. He called them oyibos like every other Nigerians would. As a fact, he would argue that the other people who aren’t black in the TV are the coloured people, and not Africans. He was such a controversy to so many people, especially adults. He didn't think that was a problem because he was just being normal.

He was looking for water in the kitchen, so he found the barrel. After he washed his sleepy face with the liquid and tried drinking a little, he still didn't find a reason good enough to explain drinking water at that early hour of the day. He listens to professional rumours that water is so good for the body, especially when one drinks it quite early and eight glasses too. Now, he would argue, "how has water become nutritious, is it food?" Most lessons he got from his Integrated Science Teacher- Mr. Olayinka, he feels, are simply what he (Mr. Olayinka) has been told to tell the pupils. It was not like he (Mr.Olayinka) even knows or believes what he teaches or reads. He would wonder, "If my teacher doesn't believe these stories about water, why does he even teach them anyway?" He then remembers that teachers get paid for talking and writing people's names and addresses in a big blue-covered leaflet note called register. "How pathetic to be a teacher", he would imagine.

Just a sip from the cup, which was the quantity he drinks on such occasions. It wasn't because he thinks water keeps him healthy when taken at that undesirable hour, he just wants to keep calm and enjoy the tranquillity of the juvenile morning. The noticed the floor was cold and sandy, giving way for nocturnal crawlers and sticky insects to come out and do their monkey businesses. His feet were bare, but no one goes into the kitchen barefooted, at least that was their father’s instruction. "Oh, I remember Mama poured some sand in the kitchen yesterday. Ah, no wonder. I can feel the sand on my feet. But why would she even do that?" Yesterday, his mother tried to cover several holes dug by rats and millipedes in the kitchen walls and floor, so she felt sand was the only available and costless adhesive. The rats from the neighbour’s kitchen do come around to steal and befriend the ones in their kitchen; surely the only way to send messages and visit each other is to create channels through those walls. Those holes were really big. 'Sometimes these humans hold meetings to close our doors, let us create an underground tunnel to give us easy passage while they worry about the walls.' Of course, the rats in his place do think like that, especially when stealing and sharing food. His mother knows that even though the covering wasn't effective, it still covered something. So, he tiptoed out of the kitchen, ducked again for the close lines along the passage and entered the room.

His mother seeing him coming back into the room, "did you clean your legs before you entered the house? Shey you know I poured sand on the kitchen floor." His mother was surely awake as a result of the noisy scrunching sound the door made when he went out, and quite aware of whom that was, she didn’t worry to ask. "Yes Mama, I did." His mother, who is already aware of his habitual waking up and staring at the window every morning didn't even bother asking why he was awake and not resting his head like every other person. "Make sure you sleep o. Remember you have to go and sell by 5am." He wonders if there will ever be a time when he will quit hawking and be like every other kid on the block with so much time on their hands; it was not like they do anything with it though, they just play it away. He doesn't play that much, but football has always been his favourite leisure engagement. "Yes Mama, I know." He gave a bright smile in the gloominess, even though his mother has already fallen back to slumber, but it was positive to him, because he needed it to continue his ritual for the day. He tapped his mother at this time, "Mama, I am hungry. Can I take some beans from the remaining one in the pot?" He always does that whenever he is awake; eating and keeping vigil. His mother sometimes wonder if that's one of the reasons he always wakeup that early. "This boy, you are disturbing me oo. You are beginning to form a bad habit. You don't eat when others do, must you wait till this time before you decide to eat. Hmm, I won’t give you again the next time. Did you hear me?" That’s what she said yesterday, that's what she said two days ago, and that’s what would always say. But she can't seem to stop giving him, maybe because he hardly eats like others or because he selects food a lot. His mother would always remind him that they don't have the luxury to meet such selective needs of his at the moment; that he should perhaps select meals when he's able to cater for himself in the future. Who cares, to him, those were sermons from his lovely mother who wouldn’t refuse him any good thing within her reach. Still again, his mother would look for something close to his need and give him, not lending hears to his father, who has always complained about spoiling the children with over-pampering and unnecessary attentions. He (the father) would always say he doesn’t know what to call that.

As usual, he would have to go back to the kitchen for his habitual late night meals, so the process was now a piece of cake. He ate and felt satisfied as typical, and said thank you to his mother who was already snoozing in dreamland. It doesn't matter, he still said it anyway, a custom expected in the house as family courtesy. Whenever he finishes chomping, he would always keep guard for others; looking out for mosquitoes and cockroaches with torch in one hand and a broom in the other. Sometimes he goes as far as slapping his elder brother on the face just to kill a mosquito perched on his (brother's) jaw. Of course, a cry would ensue. They were still young, so who wouldn’t cry at the heat of a slap. “Who slapped me?” He would dodge and pretend to be sleeping until his brother mellows down. While on the floor, he would laugh sheepishly at the reaction of his brother and later continue in his quest. He only does the face-slapping to his brother because, he thinks others wouldn't stand the pain, and Chika was the eldest, so let him have it. They were four in all. "Good for him, he beats me sometimes, so let me slap him small." He would laugh at his gentle revenge, but he was only doing it not to pay an eye for an eye, but to scare the mosquitoes away, as he alleged. Not so good an idea though, he would reflect. Sometimes when his father gets paid his meagre salary from being a civil servant, the entire family would plan the murder of these nocturnal creatures by buying a locally made multi-pest killer. It wasn't as if that was the industry way to eradicate these pests, it was just the local and cost-effective way to follow. “These things were made of petrol, or better still kerosene, how do they kill pests?” he would query. As expected, the product, which only smells of petrol or kerosene would scare these creatures away, only for a while. They sure surfaced again when the coast was clear. That night was a case study.

He was tired but needed to gaze one more time through the net. He was now cold and also needed to sleep, but something tells him to still keep awake, as if to say, something spectacular was about to happen, something that was going to define the shape of dread. Yes, he always listens to himself, so he stayed put. Waiting and still staring, he began to remember stories and tales as told by distant neighbours who live at the other side of the community. Grown children in the neighbourhood would always relate and exaggerate stories of how someone who saw someone who knew someone in the barracks that was a friend to someone whose sister was confronted by a dead person when she came out to urinate. True, everyone there comes out to urinate because the toilet was never in the room, it was in the kitchen. News of how dead people appearing from nowhere and scaring others became a bestseller in the area. He does not always believe those stories, but like most enthusiasts, he would sit and heed, as he likes listening to them for the pleasure of well-crafted scary tales. Surely he was going to hear a different version of the same story elsewhere; maybe the ghost wasn’t actually a male, but a hairy female with white robe. Ghosts sure wear white robes everywhere they go, but that is in the movies though.

His eyes began to fail him as nature called for sleep, but he persisted to defy as usual. He stroked them with his cloth and opened them even wider. Alas! Something then happened. The scare he was waiting for, a gentle pat on his back. With a lurid cry for help “Oh God! Who is that?”

Story Continues...

A short story based on the life event of the writer.

Follow me for to stay updated on the contnuation:

Saturday 16 August 2014


As usual, no sometimes, on a busy Friday morning at the Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, he is a consultant who always goes to this area for his daily "belle", most times to collect money from his clients or to ask them for more commitments where it seems like they are slagging. Danjuma Drive was he's destination. He talked to Chima, they both smiled anticipating the arrival of their deal. He followed Chima discreetly as he walked behind heading towards the office of the new trainee lady who serves the chief Accountant as his secretary.

In the trainee’s very usually big office, she said to him "abeg oga, sign here for me and write original copy collected by me on the cheque." She was not just saying that like the words have been given to her by her 'oga', the chief accountant, she uttered those words like an enthusiast; as if to say she wants more visitors to come and make same demand so that she can express her training experience. He signed as told by the trainee, signed again for verification, collected his proof of payment and exited her and every business hovering around the office.
Chima was waiting for him to return to his (Chima's) office to repeat again how the emails and quality of the job is of great concern to the MD and how his (Chima’s) reputation is on the line. He nodded in confirmation, and promised to deliver. Good! Money has come.
In a small burst of controlled excitement, he flagged down a 'keke napepe'- Indian made tricycle, and headed for Garrison. On his way up, he removed his first white smartphone from his pocket and called Chika. Chika is his elder brother; they both run the syndicate together. In Pidgin English he spoke to Chika, "Guy how far, the rubis don ready oo, na to start d jab now. I don dey come office, I go halla you when I reach. No wahala na, anyhow." His words were so assuring and firm that in a couple of days, maybe a week, he was sure to have finished the job and delivered before time, waiting for his final recompense.
Despite his muted Gionee, the second smartphone he has bought for the year, not to mention the smartphone gift from his mother’s brother, the beeping sound of the Gionee battery alerted him of an incoming call from his Sweetness, Pinky. He does not fail on any passing day to let her know how she's been loved and cherished like no other. They spoke for a few second, hoping to freshen the dose of their love for that morning. The afternoon also shares in the bonding of him and his Pinky, and the evening never fails to place the icing on their "love cake." Their bond has always being a creative passion and a likeable union. He really loves her. He will always tell her how she's the only "Brazil in his World Cup” and how she's going to wear his corporate shirts and never let him go to work at the most adventurous moment of the day. The network communications in Nigeria are always concerned about corporate political competitions and not quality service comparisons. These have never failed to be a “norm” topic, especially amongst the 'waka waka' class in the country. Because of this poor Nigerian network palaver, he and Pinky could not talk love; they could only say greetings that were not common with lovers. Beautiful love, Bad network!
Back to his way up to Garrison. He looked at his dying phone and slides it back into his pocket. The taxi man continued driving to their destination. He gazed through the cracked window of the Madza cab and appreciated the exotic appearances of living and non-living things alike. The sun shun so well, showy housewives and unmarried menopause women with sun shades in their exotic Ranges and Rovers drove and winked at him as if to say "you should be enjoying in here with us and not in that crappy ‘kabu kabu’; (as Lagosians would normally call a crappy car used for taxi)." The sweet swaying breeze of the afternoon splashed his punk hair, alerting him to wind up a little and re-comb it the 1000th times. On intervals, he would chuckle to the fulfilment of family and love, good radian and undeserved kindness of God, he imagined.
Criminal Disaster! Next to him in the cab was a Port Harcourt "area boy" with crime oozing from his restlessness. Ebola was the talk of the nation, gaining more popularity than the 2-system political party in the country. They say the virus comes even by the slightest contact. He wasn't sure how true that was for a warning, but he sure wasn't going to let his quest for in-depth knowledge become a reason for Ebola mistaken him for 'Patrick Sawyer.' So he avoided body contacts with the next fellow at every prize. Unknowing to him, the fellow he was supposedly avoiding body contacts with in the name of 'Ebola', was on his own planning the crime of the moment, the theft from a Consultant.
Everyone in the taxi headed to the same Garrison, whether short or long cut, as it was popularly called. Traffic was friendly, very unlikely of a warm mid-Friday in Trans-Amadi road. No clue on what is to happen next as everyone anticipated the arrival to Garrison. Suddenly, in the middle of the mild moving traffic, the fellow sitting next to him made an impromptu decision and said "driver I wan drop here". The criminally smelly fellow rushed out of the car like his life depended on his exit from it. He disappeared into the mixed crowd. The thief was gone! Who would tell he was a crime lord in the pick pocket act, not even the Mentalist can decipher his cold crime. It was stealth-mode and quick. Crime is smart, I must say.
Without worries, everything seemed OK, promising and intact. He (the consultant) was going to call Pinky and relay the sweet news, “Am coming home.” Happily, he walked hurriedly to meet with Chika who was also headed to his office. It was a great flaw on his part, he always forgets. He lamented in Pidgin English "Oh my God, where is my phone eh... Where my phone dey? Ah, I don f**up! My phone don loss. Where is my other phone?"… He picked his other smartphone, dialed his number, and the lady on the other side that always speaks without consideration said, “the number you have dialed is switched off.”
The Consultant has been robbed.
A true life event.

Written and Experienced By:
Rex AZ

Tuesday 31 December 2013


Hi guys. I know its been like ages since I made my last post. My schedule has been so stiff-necked that I can not even make any preferential not to talk of sentimental adjustments. I sincerely apologize for that. So since its the last day of the year (31st December, 2013) in my country as at the time of writing this, I figured its best I crown my blogging milestone for the year with a piece of suggestions and advices.

Now, some people might wonder why I don't focus on a single subject line of blogging instead of writing 'hazardously' as a critic friend of mine would call it. Well, the truth of the matter is, I am flexible and unstable when it comes to intellectual contents. I just love what interests me and what works. So it doesn't matter what subject line it belongs, I will write about it if I have concrete facts.

Now to the reason for this piece. I got this memo from my professor in my online learning class. He was talking about 'new year resolutions' and all that. So I figured let me make a post and see how it will affect my online community.


So the year 2013 is coming to an end and you’re already thinking about all your New Year’s Resolutions and what you want to achieve in 2014. You want to quit smoking, lose weight and stay fit and trendy, or do that degree programme you have so long had in mind. But after the initial motivational morale of the first 2-3 weeks in January wears off, you start bailing on yourself and the day-to-day struggle with discipline kicks in. In February, you are back to normal, eating a big fat bugger sandwich with an alarming calorie rate on the subway, drinking  that fully sugar-made juice or soda fluid, and you “simply don’t have the time” for studying. Hmm!... the real you has just resumed from where you stopped.

              If you want your 2014 to be more successful than 2013, read on and share this with your friends!

There are 7 key steps, or you could call it guides, to follow if you really want to record success in your years ahead. They are in this particular other:


Having a look back over the past year is the first step to making 2014 a success. Take out a piece of paper and write down what you achieved and what wasn’t so good about 2013. By doing that, you not only get a feeling of achievement, but you will also have a clear blueprint for judging how well 2014 went when the year ends.


After analyzing the previous year, it’s time to decide what you want to improve in 2014. Be sure not to burden yourself with too many ambitious goals. The common saying that "jack of all trade, master of none" is truly operational in the lives of any who seek to achieve everything at once. Hardly Possible! So, It is more likely that you will achieve your goals if you concentrate on 2-3 goals, rather than wanting to change everything about you at once.

Be specific

Get specific! To say you “want to work out more” or “learn a language” doesn’t cut it. You need to be specific. For example, try saying you will “work out 3 times a week and lose 5 kilos by February 15.” Or I will read a language text 15minutes everyday. See wether you won't make any headways.


Writing down what you want to achieve is only half the battle. Now you actually need to follow through. Start by taking small steps to get you warmed up. Instead of thinking you will never understand how to communicate in German language, start by taking the first unit of the course. That's a milestone on its own.

Keep Track

After an initial motivational high or morale you will notice your drive deplete. To keep you in the game,
track your achievements. You can either write it on a piece of paper or use a digital app (i.e. Evernote, Lift or Chains) on your computer or smartphone. Most of us are at least bestowed with one, if not several of these gadgets nowadays. By keeping track of your achievements, you will see that even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are actually making progress!

Do Not Quit

If it happens that you slip and leave out a planned routine, maybe a workout session, don’t quit! It’s not over yet and it is perfectly normal to feel like you need to bail from time to time. The only thing that counts is that you get back at it. So dust yourself off and get back on the horse, because as they say, “Quitters never win and winners never quit”!

Share with Friends

To get some leverage, tell your friends about your plans! Even better, ask them to follow your example and write down their goals for 2014. Then you can support each other in the hard times (and knowing fully well that there will certainly be a few!) and celebrate the successes! Just forward this post.

I am 100% sure that you won’t fail if you follow the guide to achieving your goals in 2014 and even the subsequent years ahead! And if you want educate yourself in 2014, take a look into short term diploma courses online ( or a university-like education (follow this links Story Telling-, Designs-,  Monte Carlo Finance Methods-, The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry, Public Privacy: Cyber Security and Human Rights-, and a host of so many other exciting courses) which is totally free and well recognized and with standard certifications, like I have done. That way, at least you’ll finish off the year a bit smarter, and intellectually better than you were last year. Its not like you can't do anything better than that.

Please tell me what you think by dropping your comments.


Saturday 2 November 2013

Technically, Is a CV Different From a Résumé?

A simple and straight to the point answer is an emphatic YES! It may sound so strange to some people that I am saying this, but it is actually true. There is more than quite a thin line between Curriculum Vitae (popularly called a CV) and a Resume. Let’s find out how. Read on...
What is a Curriculum Vitae?
According to a well-placed online authority in the area of concept definitions, Wikipedia states, and I quote "A curriculum vitae (CV) provides an overview of a person's experience and other qualifications." According to another online source, "if a job advertisement asks for a CV, that’s a hint that the employer expects a great deal of life experience and accomplishments, including education, original research, presentations you’ve given and papers or books you’ve had published." 

But in a much more specific flow of content, a CV is an expansive and holistic breakdown of who you are and what you have achieved ever since you were born until date. It is common in academic or development positions like teaching, lecturing instructing, writing and researching, but may also be suited to other jobs in government agencies and programs.

CV Description
Imagine a Curriculum Vitae as a memoir, often consuming up to ten solid pages conditional on your experiences and achievements. It is typical for academic loci in higher edification such as college and university teaching positions. Research-exhaustive positions may also expect candidates to submit a CV. It’s not just for careers, however; if you are applying for an internship and have a great deal of experience and accomplishments, you might want to outline them in a CV. This is also factual for fellowship and scholarship applications.

What is a Résumé?
Still according to the reliable website, "A résumé also spelled 'resumé' or 'resume', is a document used by persons to present their backgrounds and skills. Résumés can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. A typical résumé contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. A résumé is a marketing tool in which the content should be adapted to suit each individual job application and/or applications aimed at a particular industry. The résumé is comparable to a curriculum vitae (CV) in many countries. However, it is substantially shorter than a CV in English Canada, the U.S. and Australia. For most jobs a résumé is adequate. 

Résumé DescriptionWhat this means exactly is that you use resumes to apply to specific jobs based on the required skills and experiences needed for that job only. Some details like publications and certain achievements are not applicable to resumes. And a resume is always shorter than a CV, no ore than a one page document, with clear headings.

Résumé Vs. CV
Unlike a CV, a résumé is typically one to two pages long and is formatted so a prospective employer can read it quickly. It is very common for all non-academic job seekers, presenting both your work experience and education. If you are a recent college graduate, include a good grade point average and details about any internship. You can list your most recent job first; highlight skills required by a particular job; or use a combination of both. You can also include volunteer positions, particularly if you are a new applicant or have had employment gaps.

Below is a table of comparison I have drawn to show the difference between a CV and a resume.

Curriculum Vitae
French “to Summerize”
Latin “Life’s Course”
1-2 page
Several pages or more
Tailored to Specific Job Description
A biography of an individual
Technical and Commercial
Research and Education
Job Application
Academic/Research purpose
Describe accomplishments briefly; leaving out extra details
Describe accomplishments with great detail; focus on how these relate to career plans
Contact info; objective (e.g., obtain a job in…); work history; skills and qualifications
Contact info; education history;
work history (as it relates to career development); research accomplishments/skills; awards/
scholarships; volunteer work/community service
Miscellaneous Purpose

One Thing to take note of is that, both CV and résumé include the person's name, contact information, education, work experience and relevant work-related skills.
You probably may wonder why lots of people do not even get shortlisted for a job test or interview... a reason not farfetched I would say, taking CV to be a resume.

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